Taking Your Dog for a Walk

While walking my dog, I’ve seen just about everything. Dogs that pull their owners down streets, dogs that refuse to move at all, and dogs who get so excited they run away from their owners. These are some of the biggest mistakes you can make when taking your dog for a walk, but there are plenty of others! To help you be the best dog owner while also staying safe on walks with your furry companions, here’s an easy-to-follow guide on how to take your pup out for a stroll.

Take the right leash.

  1. Leash length should be appropriate for the size of your dog. If you have a small dog, you might want to opt for a leash that’s 6 feet long. If you have a large dog, you may prefer an 8-foot leash.
  2. Leashes come in different materials and can be made from nylon, leather or hemp. The type of material is important because it will determine how well it holds up with use over time and also how comfortable—or uncomfortable—it is for your pup to wear.
  3. Some leashes have reflective strips on them so dogs can be easily seen at night or in low light conditions (think dusk). This is particularly important if you’re walking your pooch when visibility isn’t optimal due to weather conditions such as snow or foggy mornings/evenings when streetlights aren’t activated yet.*

Choose a route.

  1. Choose a route that is clear of obstacles, busy roads, and areas with lots of dogs.
  2. If you’re walking in an area where there are lots of people, avoid walking too close to them.
  3. Avoid areas where there are other animals or cars.

Don’t feed your dog before a walk.

Your dog doesn’t need to eat before a walk. Feeding your dog before taking him or her out will only make them sick, overweight, aggressive and lethargic. If you feed your pet more than once per day, consider reducing the number of meals you give him/her so that food is not an issue for walks.

Don’t overdo it.

While you should make sure to exercise your dog regularly, keep in mind that it’s easy to overdo it. It’s important to pay attention to the weather and ensure that your dog doesn’t get too hot or cold during a walk. If your dog is an older or overweight animal, they may not be able to handle as much activity as they used to when they were younger. Additionally, if your pet has any health problems (such as hip dysplasia), their activity level should be monitored closely by a veterinarian so that they don’t aggravate any preexisting conditions such as arthritis or heart disease.

To make walks comfortable for you and your dog, take a leash that’s right for the dog, choose a route that’s safe and clear of obstacles, don’t feed the dog for three to four hours beforehand, and don’t overdo it if its very hot or cold out there.

To make walking with your dog as enjoyable as possible:

  1. Choose a route that is safe and clear of obstacles. The surface should be good enough to support both you and your pet – if you’re in an urban area with plenty of people around (and therefore plenty of potential distractions), consider using one hand on the leash at all times so that each person can walk parallel to each other without getting tangled up in their leashes.
  2. Don’t feed him/her for 3-4 hours before taking him on his first walk. This will prevent any digestive upset caused by overfeeding or eating too quickly after waking up from a nap during which he may have accidentally inhaled some food! If your pup tends toward emotional eating when left alone then try keeping treats nearby while he’s confined indoors so he doesn’t resort back into destructive habits just because his tummy is empty again…just remember not let him eat too many treats before going outside!”


There’s nothing better than taking a walk with your dog. It’s fresh air and exercise for you, and fun and exercise for the dog. Just make sure you don’t overdo it.

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